
Castle De Berckt

De Berckt 1,

5991 PD Baarlo


When you arrive at the Castle, you first unload your belongings in The Unload & Ride. Then park the car in the parking Forest. No cars are allowed at the Castle and no cars are allowed to be parked on the street in front of it.

When you have parked your car, have your ticket(s) scanned and you can enter the Castle with your wristband and your belongings. Than you can go find your room.

All the Campers will be at the Camper place.
There will be no facilities for campers. 


Check out of the room on Monday, Feb 17th, at 10:00 AM. Collect all your belongings and bring them to Unload & Ride. Pick up the car from Parking Forest, load your car, and leave. If you have some striking to do, that is fine after 10:00 AM. Don't forget to take your waste home with you.